Antwerp's Most Brilliant label
If you are looking for something different, unique or extraordinary, we are certain that you will find it in Antwerp. Antwerp’s Most Brilliant, the quality certificate of the City of Antwerp and the World Diamond Centre, will point you in the right direction. This certificate is awarded to jewellers who meet the rigorous quality requirements in terms of sustainability, ethics, safety, transparency and service for two years. An independent control body checks whether the jeweller complies with the standards of the quality certificate. Thanks to this label you can buy jewellery confidently.
The jewellers are easy to recognise thanks to the Antwerp’s Most Brilliant sticker in their windows and guarantee that the jewellery you buy here is of high quality.
How does a jeweller receive this label?
A jeweller has to meet 30 strict quality requirements to obtain the Antwerp’s Most Brilliant label. The certified jewellers meet the highest standards in terms of sustainability, safety, ethics, transparency, service and company stability. Naturally they also comply with Belgian economic, social and tax legislation. In short: these jewellers really deserve this certification.
How is the quality guaranteed?
An Antwerp jeweller can only obtain certification after an independent audit by Kiwa, an accredited audit and inspection organisation, which visits every jeweller annually to check for compliance with 30 strict criteria. Kiwa draws up a binding report after its audit. The City of Antwerp and the Antwerp World Diamond Centre will only grant the certificate if the jeweller obtains an excellent score for each of the criteria. Moreover the label is controlled by the professional jewellers’ federation Ars Nobilis and the Federal Public Service Economy.
The Antwerp's Most Brilliant label, launched in 2014, was already awarded to us at the very start of this label in 2014. As manager, I declare on honor that at all times in accordance with the requirements of the quality Antwerp's Most Briliant work and ensure that my staff is aware of this statement and implement.
More info on the website of Antwerps Most Brilliant
Hotline for complaints: info@tomjewelry.be or website hotline complaints Belgium.
Source: visitantwerpen.be